Welcome, 환영합니다,Bienvenue, வரவேற்பு, Willkommen, ጤናይስጥልኝ, Bienvenido, أهْلاً وَسَهْلاً, Bem-vindo CAS interkulturelle Theologie und Migration

Questions about intercultural and inter-religious encounter become more and more vital in a society facing globalisation. Christianity in Switzerland as well as the churches and the ecumenical organisations are within a time of change.

Are you interested to reflect the current developments from a theological perspective?

And would you like to meet people from different churches and cultures?

Are you ready to engage in a dialouge about various theologies today?

You are very welcome to join the CAS intercultural theology and migration.

On this page you will find information about our one-year ecumenical and theological formation for ministers and fellow staff of international, migrant and Swiss churches in Switzerland. As well as staff of governmental organisations interested in religious and ecumenical questions.

You will optain a Certificate of Advanced Studies from the University of Basel, Switzerland.